Adobe has issued a Security Bulletin telling users to update Adobe Reader and Adobe XI and earlier version for Windows as soon as possible as a vulnerability has been discovered that can allow for a hacker to circumvent protection for those using Windows Operating Systems. The versions affected: Adobe Reader XI (11.0.07) and earlier 11x…
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On the heals of the good news about CryptoLocker decryption keys being found, here’s some bad news about another cyber crime group out of Russia called CyberVor who has stolen what is believed to be the largest number of online credentials to date. The name CyberVor is not as strange as it seems, as vor…
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This is some of the best news the world of anti-viruses and anti-malware could have hoped for – FireEye in conjunction with Fox-IT have found and released a potential way to retrieve the private decryption key needed to decrypt files infected by CryptoLocker. We have previously written several articles on CryptoLocker, the ransomware that began…
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With so many companies still tackling the upgrade or replacement of Microsoft XP computers and Microsoft Exchange 2003 servers, the last thing many want to hear is that another server operating system is also about to hit it’s End Of Life. July 14, 2015 has been given by Microsoft as the end of life date…
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CNET has acknowledged that hackers broke into some of their web servers several days ago and accessed a database of website users. A Russian hacking group that goes by the name w0rm has publically taken credit for the stolen database, which they claim to be of more than one million users world wide. The data…
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