Who has the best Cell Phone OS?

Wow, new cell phones are out! I’ve come across so many people that are more excited than I could ever be about a cell phone. I work with a technician that’s been looking at the HTC Supersonic, or the more commonly used name, Sprint Evo 4G for the last year and a half. He has been waiting and watching this phone just about since it was published as a concept from HTC. I know there’s been much hype and excitement about the iPhone 4 too. I just don’t get that excited about a cell phone and what I really want to know at the end of the day – who has the best cell phone operating system iPhone, Windows, Android or Blackberry?

I like loaded questions, and who has the best cell phone OS qualifies because everyone has an opinion. Approaching this from the most objective means possible, a comparison has been made of the iPhone 4.0, Windows 7 and 6.5, Android 2.1 and Blackberry 5. Click here to view the comparison for yourself.
Here is a short summation of the comparison and background of the cell phones:

    •    The iPhone is the trendy phone with the best marketing but doesn’t bring anything new to the table – in
          fact it’s usually 6 months to 1 year behind other phones with their options and capabilities.
    •    Windows 6.5 is Windows 6 with a few added touch improvements – neither OS was that great.
          Windows 6 wasn’t a great start and the minimal improvements to 6.5, just weren’t worth the bother.
    •    Windows 7, here we are left waiting. There hasn’t been actual real world implementation of this OS yet.
          However, if it’s designed like Windows 7 for personal computers but for a cell phone – it has a lot of
    •    Android 2.1 the non technology and serious technology user friendly OS. It really doesn’t matter who
          you are, you can get the phone to work for you and Android is typically a leader in features.
    •    Blackberry is the standard old school business work horse and quality PDA. They’ve made minor tweaks
          and improvements but nothing significantly different. It’s still a quality business phone!

Out of all of the phones there is one phone that bugs me. It bugs me because of the desire to purchase this phone is surrounded by controversy. And if you guessed the iPhone, that’s the phone I was alluding to. It’s just amazing to me how there can be so much smoke around this product and no one think there’s a fire – using the ‘death grip’ (or signal strength issue) for example. Apple blames not using the right signal calculations and the user for not holding the phone properly. I didn’t realize having the phone in the palm of my hand with my fingers/palm on the side of the phone was holding it improperly – isn’t that how all the other phones are held? I can go on and on. Don’t get me wrong – the iPhone has its good qualities and will be the perfect phone for some, but even with the hype it’s just not the right phone for everyone or potentially many of the people who are just in it for the name.

Considering the facts we must conclude that Android is the overall winner for general use and Blackberry is the winner for business use. If you want to know more about why – learn about it, we’ve provided you a fairly comprehensive list of features comparing the OS’s, but don’t necessarily take our word for it. Do your own research and then find a qualified source to answer the rest of the questions you have. A qualified source probably isn’t the high pressure salesman standing in front of you either. Good luck on the hunt for your perfect phone.

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